Thursday, 4 October 2012

Starvation in the land of plenty- Part one (A must read)


Every meaningful human facet finds in their conscious mind a terms of condition that forms the workability for life’s voyage to significance. This consciousness is perceived as a startup with a prologue intention which serves as introductory signals that herald a epilogue – signoff experience capable of converting intention to action. You are never judged based on intention but on action, also success does not come with a rewarding intention but it is appreciated with a rewarding action. The connectivity link cutting across the wider scope of the introduction and conclusion is the inevitable principle referred to as ‘process’. You start out life as a blank slate that lacked the actor script until you connect with the role specified in the scriptwriter’s scroll by playing it out.

In essence, on many occasion you found yourself at diverse point in time possessing many intention in heart… “Counsel in the heart of human is like water in a deep well”. You realized those intentions continually flow to your heart in form of dream, plans or vision. But do you know the context in reality? IT TAKES UNDERSTANDING THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF YOUR ACTION TO DRAW EVERY INTENTION OF YOUR HEART TO WORK BY EXPEDITING NECESSARY ACTION ON IT. Simply put: its pain and resource sabotage to possess a wishful though in heart and just sit waiting for its full manifestation without putting necessary work into action that is fit to produce the expected result. Many at times as individual, corporate organization and nation we envisaged clichés born out of ‘apathetic fantasy’ without the work mechanism attached to it and as the set time frame of the plan’s reality draws near, we begin to extend what should have been done to another far future with substandard crash work. Do you still remember vision 20-10 that was foolishly postponed to vision 20-15 which was no longer feasible and the so-called loud noise of inactive vision 20-20 was charted; let see where it finally get to maybe it get another extension of vision 20-30 or the like!

Once upon a time in the city of Bethlehem-Judah (literally meaning the house of Bread), there was no bread. What a colossal context! No bread in the house of bread, and when this happen search for bread will certainly be made to a non-house of bread. At this stage many have no option than to resign to fate by journeying from realm of abundance to unknown realm of obscurity. Thus, the Bethlehem-Judah experience is identical and relational to our current experience in Nigeria where attitudinal change has become the inevitable tool to transform our numerous lack to plenty. No blame to those citizenries that now finds pleasure in travelling abroad to earn a standard living since massive dilapidated structures have permeated through a vibrant and prospect domain for prosperity.

The greatest evil that can happen to a man is to starve himself right in the midst of plenty, even God who bestowed such man with the resource will be angry and may as well withdraw the resources from the man. Why? God is a productive supreme being that loves productivity because his nature is productive which form the basis for his agape love to the universe. In other word productivity flows in His vein, so you are not an exemption. Productivity goes along with consistency, effectiveness and efficiency coupled with the tool of creativity which is put to work thereby produce maximum output. Being productive also implies that you can effectively pull together through resource control of the substance at your disposal. Does it not paint a bad picture to you that despite our country Nigeria vast natural and human resources yet we still find ourselves starving in the midst of plenty resources at our disposal. This definitely is the root cause of abysmal governance and leadership, once the heartbeat – governance and leadership of a nation is jeopardized with an unprepared child ruling at the hewn of affairs then starvation in all sectors becomes inevitable… “DESTRUCTION IS CERTAIN FOR A LAND WHOSE KING IS A CHILD” says the wise king. Who is a child? A child is one who is untrained, unskillful in leadership and management. Hence, a man full of age can still be a child that lack leadership quality and skills.

 A future not prepared for is a future you don’t get to, never will it become a reality but only tale full of thrilled rumours. So preparation is now a necessity because one of the key reasons why many experience starvation right amidst plenty is lack of preparation. Opportunity only comes to the prepared hand, opportunity when it aligns in contact with preparation tantamount to a glorious successful end of experiencing an unlimited realm. Much of this truth support the notion that a prepared ‘Joseph’ met opportunity to serve in Potiphar’s house which he wisely utilized that qualified him for national service as Economic adviser in Egypt. Through his relationship at the national level, he was able to plan and secure wealth for posterity which even outlasts famine era. Its only a foolish man that will procrastinate and squander today’s resources with the wrong mindset that the future he has to prepare for is still in the far seasons when in essence now is the appropriate time to prepare for the future you desire to see tomorrow. The greatest mistake trap you can get yourself in is to keep doing the same wrong stuff over the years with intention of getting new waves of result. We can’t keep treading the usual path and think we can get on with waves of innovations currently unfolding around us, because the strategy used for yesterday fight might not necessarily be relevant in today’s fight. And when this is in view, it then implies that change is however a must needed necessity. Can you set aside all weigh that has pulled you down for so long and keep adapted to the required change that is unveiling in your sphere of influence. To be tied down to our obsolete attachments which in sense lack efficiency to contain the capacity of giant stride of accomplishment is the gateway to say complacency should be our lifestyle. 

To be continued in Part two next week

Contact Emmanuel Abiona (Brand Strategist Consultant) @ or +234 703 673 3535

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