Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Would you accept man with full face tattoo as your president?

Presidential candidate Vladimir Franz. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek)
Ein taetowierter Professor will die Tschechen aufwecken
Vladimir Franz (Photos from Google)
53years old Vladimir Franz pictured above is a presidential candidate in Czech Republic. Vladimir a composer and professor of performing arts is tattooed head to toe. According to reports, his tattoo doesn't seem to bother the Czechs and he seems to appeal more to young voters. He is presently 3rd in the polls in the Czech Republic presidential election. 

I know having tattoo doesn't make him any less human and I believe he has every right as much as the next person to qualify as a presidential candidate. Only thing is, his face is fully covered in tattoo and don't forget if he wins the election, he does not only become the president, he also becomes the Representative of that country. So would you be proud enough to 'OK' him as your president or do you think the tattoo is way too much?

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